
#m062x /6-31+g(d,p)  opt=(calcfc,ts) freq=temperature=600



其中將H2O的一個H與NH3的一個H重疊 然後刪除此H

0 2

N -0.24657721 0.84344188 0.00000000
H -0.86218266 0.24850131 0.07129118
H 0.64632368 0.64590419 0.40460705
O 0.57376132 1.82218078 -1.36074662
H 1.35757658 1.91645926 -0.81453677
H -0.12919527 1.41945755 -0.84570678

結果-Optimization stopped. -- Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues: Desired= 1 Actual= 2

-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.




Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues: Desired = 1 Actual= 2

This indicates your initial geometry is too far from the transition state.

You might adjust your initial guess or you can use the option OPT=NoEigen

Test in the additional keyword section in Gaussview.

This is often counterproductive(適得其反), as it avoids the test that indicates your guess is not good enough.

It would allow you to find a better guess for the transition state, that you can then optimize completely later on if need be.

此外加上#P Additional output is generated.

This includes messages at the beginning and end of each link giving assorted machine-dependent information

(including execution timing data), as well as convergence information in the SCF.

#m062x /6-31+g(d,p)  opt=(calcfc,ts,NoEigen) freq=temperature=600

在 route section 中 OPT(CalcFC,TS,Noeigentest) 代表在尋找 TS 之前先求力常數 (force constants),

這通常是在計算 TS 結構時必要的步驟。Noeigentest 告訴程式不要因為估 計出之eigenvalue 的符號或數目不對而過早放棄。

結果-Item Value Threshold Converged?

Maximum Force 0.002399 0.000450 NO

RMS Force 0.000924 0.000300 NO

Maximum Displacement 0.080403 0.001800 NO

RMS Displacement 0.050744 0.001200 NO

Predicted change in Energy=-2.256951D-05

Optimization stopped. -- Number of steps exceeded, NStep= 24

-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.

看能量曲線-Read Intermediate Geometries画√,results--->optimization;


又第二步系統是將NHO鍵拉開 能量驟降 之後就越偏離TS


Item Value Threshold Converged?

Maximum Force 0.131271 0.000450 NO

RMS Force 0.061183 0.000300 NO

Maximum Displacement 0.007577 0.001800 NO

RMS Displacement 0.004259 0.001200 NO

Predicted change in Energy=-1.712251D-03

Optimization stopped. -- Number of steps exceeded, NStep= 24

顯然初始結構太差 現在調整NHO鍵 使H接近而較遠離氧

1. Try to build a good guess for the transition state. In particular check the relevant bond 

distances. You (often) are breaking one or more bonds so typical distances of the
bonds that are being broken are a little longer than usual.
2. You can start from either the reactants or product state to build the transition
structure. The transition state is usually somewhere in between and this may guide
your guessing of certain structural parameters.
3. Do not use the "clean" option in Gaussview because this will typically get you back
to reactants or products.
4. If possible use symmetry to define your structure. You may have to be creative to
tease the program into building the appropriate structure. The pointgroup option
under edit is very useful in this respect. We have had two examples (NH3 and
hydrogen transfer in malonaldhyde).
5. the QST2 and in particular QST3 options may be helpful to locate transition states.
H 5
6. When submitting the calculation under Jobtype select "Opt", or "Opt+Freq" (if
you’re confident!) and then select both "Calculate Force Constants
(once)" and "Locate Transition State"

#m062x /6-31+g(d,p) opt=(calcfc,ts,NoEigen) freq=temperature=600

N -0.47611579 -0.13357235 -0.00699403
H -0.14277668 0.33782783 0.80950270
H -0.14277668 0.33782783 -0.82349077
O 0.85344341 -0.54135631 -0.26259338
H 1.58049283 -0.82166394 0.29814433
H -0.22852964 -1.23592817 0.01332193

Item Value Threshold Converged?

Maximum Force 0.000425 0.000450 YES

RMS Force 0.000139 0.000300 YES

Maximum Displacement 0.002567 0.001800 NO

RMS Displacement 0.001039 0.001200 YES

Predicted change in Energy= 7.243700D-08

虛頻=Frequencies -- -2206.5964


# m062x /6-31+g(d,p) opt=(calcfc,ts,NoEigen,maxCYCLE=300) freq=temperature=600

0 2

N 0.40759549 -1.99553400 0.57964062
H 0.94226683 -2.57386220 -0.06848209
H 1.04485665 -1.53455733 1.22910095
O 0.86131785 -0.48776246 -0.29477716
H 1.58836727 -0.76807009 0.26596055
H -0.22065520 -1.18233432 -0.01886185

Item Value Threshold Converged?
Maximum Force 0.000066 0.000450 YES
RMS Force 0.000025 0.000300 YES
Maximum Displacement 0.000931 0.001800 YES
RMS Displacement 0.000527 0.001200 YES
Predicted change in Energy=-4.441436D-08
Optimization completed.
-- Stationary point found.

HF=-132.2271372 T=600K僅影響核動能?

Frequencies -- -1154.3235


600K E=33.485KCal/Mol      298.150 K E= 29.159KCal/Mol